A confused looking man
This is Derick's face.

Hi, Welcome to my portfolio!

I'm a Junior dev in training at Coder Academy, Brisbane. Here, I'm adding to my current HTML/CSS skillbase with the latest in-demand technologies.

I have a love for css, FOSS, and the indie web.


Self-taught in HTML & CSS, I have a few years experience as a web enthusiest, learning the ropes, and experimenting.

At Coder Academy, I'm taking things to the next level — learning Git, SASS, MongoDB, Express.js, Rails, and Node.js.

I have a lot of experience working in tight-nit teams, in un-charted territory, on results driven projects with tight deadlines for a demanding audience. And that's just my Theatre career.

Superfluous information

  • I'm getting into FOSS (I get excited for the LibreOffice changelog when there's an update).
  • I'm a stickler for using em dashes, en dashes, and ellipsies. I have learned the en and em dash alt codes by heart (0150 & 0151, respectively). I'm still memorising their unicode blocks…
  • I am endlessly inspired by people who paint pictures with CSS.

Interests other than code

My first love, creativity-wise, is live performance. In particular Theatre and Dance. I currently perform with the super-awesome CycOz, and Bubble Muffin Kid's Cooking Club.

I've been known to write poetry and very (very) short stories. I do the occasional spot of painting.

Last — but the opposite of least — I'm husband to an amazingly patient woman, and a follower of Jesus (but not that kind).